Health systems working with PCCA have instant access to thousands of validated master formula records and hundreds of formulas backed by stability indicating, extended beyond-use date data and USP 51 Antimicrobial Effectiveness testing as required by the revisions to USP, official 11/01/2023. Want to see why top U.S health systems are partnering with PCCA? Download our Tacrolimus Oral Suspension formula along with the stability-indicating assay and USP 51 testing report to share with your pharmacy team.

Get the Formula

Download PCCA’s Tacrolimus 0.5 mg/mL to 1 mg/mL Oral Suspension formula with bracketed extended beyond-use date data supported by a stability-indicating assay and USP 51 antimicrobial effectiveness testing.

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Clinical Expertise & Validation

Every PCCA formula is developed by a team of clinical pharmacists and chemists, created in our formulations laboratory, observed over time and triple-checked by our development team.



All 9,000+ master formula records are consistently formatted and optimized for efficient pharmacy workflow.


Technical Formulations Support

Our team of clinical compounding pharmacists is available 24/7 to provide guidance when customizing and scaling formulas to meet the unique needs of patients and pharmacies.